Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Read the following short article and tell me what you think can or should be done to help protect sharks within their habitat.


  1. Ryan Sigars Period 4November 17, 2010 at 3:32 PM

    I think they should limit the number of sharks that can be killed by like finding out how many is in an area and from there have the number be made. The way they could count them is like what they do with panda's(and possibly other animals) by putting a tracker on them. Of course it wouldn't have radar on it.
    This however, is not unexpected. Humans overfish all the time, and bad things happen to the fish population all the time. My true answer or the answer that is in my opinion the best but isn't possible is to either get rid of humans or stop fishing altogether. You can already see the problem.
    Shark's fin soup, because our soup needs texture and sharks are in the water. Out of sight out of mind.

  2. I think that the number of sharks should be limited. Sharks are a valuable part of an ecosystem. especially in tropic regions. Sharks help keep the population of fish species at a reasonable number. For example, hammerheads eat mainly stingrays. If the hammerhead population went down due to overfishing, the stingray population could sky rocket and cause serious disruption in an ecosystem.

    selena Merhoff
    period 1

  3. in my opinion the chinese who are trying to kill the sharks in order to make their soup should not be able to hunt them anymore because the soup is not necessarily vital to them. also, fisherman who are hunting sharks should at least be limited to a specific number of sharks they hunt, especially the great white because of the cause it could have on altering an entire ecosystem

  4. The reason for the sharks population decline is ridiculous. Textured soup? Really? To get rid of this biologists should make some kind of agreement with forign nations to stop up to 75% of the fishing. They will never go for stopping it completely. Maybe some graphics and facts would show the fisherman how much they are hurting the sharks and their ecosystem around them.

  5. I believe that the whole controversy is ridiculous. They're killing off these sharks just so that their soup could have a certain texture. It'd be fine if the amount and kinds of sharks they kill was regulated by experts so that the sharks numbers are stable. But its not and its getting out of control. And its not only affecting the sharks but other creatures that live in the ocean too. So they need to substitute noodles for shark fins and live with it.

  6. I think that sharks shouldn't be hunted at all. Who cares if they make a cool soup, when you de-fin a shark you kill them because they can't swim, that's not even telling if they don't bleed to death first. There is a circle of life and as much as sharks are portrayed as the villain they also help make sure there aren't an abundance of fish everywhere killing off the coral reefs, it's a circle of life and I do not think that humans should get involved in that unless were helping them from extinction.

  7. Fishing big sharks should be legal but have it just like hunting so its only seasonal. This would cause the shark population to pick back up and also bringing up the number of the animals at the bottom of the ocean food chain. Textured soup shouldnt be worth the loss of all the sharks and or the smaller animals such as scallops. Biologist could also make an agreement with foreign nations to make eating shark an annual dish and make it a holiday in Asia and other countries that eat shark. This would help with the increase in the shark population and thus helping the oceans coming back to what was considered normal a couple years ago.

  8. I think that the Chinese who are hunting sharks shouldn't be allowed to because it'll become a demand and people will start poaching like they already do and it could lead up to the sharks finding a new place to live, or even worse, extinction. But, the fisherman who hunt sharks, like Alex Stork said, should be limited to the number of sharks they capture at times.

  9. I think there should be a limit to how much hunting should be done and have hunting licenses/tags just like hunting on land.

    Caymen Graham

  10. I think hunting sharks should be very limited. Sharks help keep our fish population in check and we need this so fish dont start over populating the waters.

  11. Rachel Phillips Per 4November 18, 2010 at 4:54 PM

    Humans are one of the main causes of animals becoming extinct or endangered. People just can't seem to understand that if you over hunt an animal it throws off the ecosystem and causes that animal to become endangered. If they kill them all now, there won't be any later. There needs to be a limit to how many they are allowed to kill. I realize it is a part of the Chinese culture to have shark fins in their soup but that also needs to be changed and regulated.

  12. Hunting sharks should be limited or not even be done at all. And by killing more and more each day just because you want to make some gross soup, it won't help the ecosystem at all!

  13. Donavin Weiser Per.4November 18, 2010 at 5:14 PM

    i think they should limit the shark killing. They should give out a certain amount of tags like they do with big game hunting. They should closely monitor certain species and shut it down if the numbers are decling. If you stop it people will still poach them but the numbers will certainly increase.

  14. I think that hunting sharks should be ilegal, there is no valid reason for hunting these sharks so much that other populations of animals are affected. There must be a balance of predators and prey on each level of the food chain to not cause problem.

    Sierra Jamison per.1

  15. I think poaching is bad in general! its not just about poaching sharks, other big fish such as whales and dolphins are also going through the same situation. it is people who are messing up everything then wonder why everything is so bad in the world. its always the same stuff. someone needs to step up and make a change for a better future.

  16. I feel that the sharks are being wrongly over hunted, especially if their being hunted for a meat that was described as tasteless. Without the sharks the populations of various animals will jump, having a harsh effect on many other animals, and the environment. The sharks are used to maintain a balance within nature and it should remain that way. We should enact strict shark hunting laws to keep a sweet balanace. shark week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I think that killing the sharks should be regulated, and controlled. Only a certain amount killed in one area. I don't really think killing sharks is a big deal, they will make more.

  18. I think they should control the hunting of sharks. A lot of other animals get hunted by humans for things like elephants for their tusks and leopards for their skin so why should sharks be an exception? I do think the hunt should be controlled though because we need sharks to keep the circle of life.

  19. Kody Kuhlman Period 1November 18, 2010 at 8:50 PM

    In my opinion if people are fishing for sharks that they should have a catch limit for a certain amount each day, and somehow stop people from poaching them. If their isn't a catch limit the sharks will soon become extinct.

  20. Adam Goyette Period 7November 19, 2010 at 7:28 AM

    Its wrong in my opinion to over hunt anything to the point of it dissapearence. For one, the ecosystem is thrown off, damaging you economy. On top of that, if you hunt all of one thing, its not there anymore stupid! Nobody will ever go for a compmlete ban on hunting sharks either, but tags could very well be maintained (and hey, govornment, tags create revenue!) A simple system like that of hunting on land would greatly lower the number of sharks killed, but this remedy will not fix the problem. Poachers and the lack of a population boom could mean this damage is irreversable. There must be a lot done, afterall, its easy to make a mistake, but a solution is difficult.

    On top of all that, I've had shark. Its not very good.

  21. In my opinion the china goverment should have a certain amount of shark they can hunt per year and if that amount is not respected they should just end it completely. Sharks help control fish population and more, their role is obvious.

  22. I think that killing sharks is mean and bad so they should just stop and not do it any more.

    Samantha Nielsen
    Per 4

  23. I think they should put a limit on how far the boats can go out and possibly put up a net of somekind so boats can't go around into the deeper parts of the sea to go and get the sharks. and find something else just as textured as shark fin to put in the soup...we all have to adjust some time, might as well do it now.

  24. i think they should put a limit on how many sharks are killed. they are valueable to our ecosystem. sharks also help control the fish population. they need to find something less harmful to an animal to put in the soup instead of shark fin.

  25. I think that sharks are very important to the food chain and the circle of life, but i do also think that if this animal is being fished that Game and Wildlife of that area should keep regulations and laws on this type of fishing if allowing it at all

  26. Sharks should be protect and kept safe from anything that can harm them and treat them not with respect and kindness and what so.

  27. I think they should allow sharks to be caught but only to a certain extent because they help keep fish over populated but they dont cause them to becime extinct. So i dont think they should be allowed to be over hunted.

  28. That is absolutely ridiculous that there are that many sharks being killed just for a texture in a soup. I mean really? Is that necessary? There isn't anything else with that texture or a similar one? Or they couldn't go without the texture? Yes, every country has it's weird cultural habits, but sometimes a few of those habits have to be sacrificed for the greater well being; as in this case. There should be a law against it that is inforced, with a punishment great enough to reduce the number of people fishing for the sharks. Domino effects are almost never good and should be avoided at all costs and at this point I believe it could be stopped but not if there is nothing done about it.

  29. I believe that the Chinese should be band to killing sharks just for their soups if they are that vital to our ecosystem, because the ecosystem is more important then just some soup. I also believe that there should be a limit to how much the fishermans can kill.

  30. Sharks keep our ecosystems in check. Killing them just to make a special soup is ridiculous. Our oceans will have an extreme, and not necessarily good, change if we don't take action to stop shark hunting. I think it should be completely outlawed. That can't completely stop poaching, but it's a start.

  31. Hunting sharks needs to be regulated. I don't feel we should stop hunting them all together; It is a Chinese delicacy. However, sharks are an important part of the ecosystem and throwing off the ecosystem will have long-term effects. The Chinese will not die if they do not eat their quota of shark fin. It would be great if they could find a substitute especially since the fin gives it texture and not flavor.

  32. I think we should put laws into place to prevent the over harvesting of shark fins. Everything has a place in this world and effects the out come of other species, so we should be careful about what we eat. The people need to be more informed so they can make better choices, and find an alternative to the shark delicacy.

  33. Whitney Ransom per. 4November 22, 2010 at 11:22 PM

    The sharks should be protected with like marine sanctuaries where they are mostly caught at by the asian fisherman. maybe we could send someone from the U.S. over there to persuade their government to help solve the problem. or the chinese restaurants demand for shark could go up so high that the special soup prices should be raised and not that many sharks could be eaten let alone caught by fisherman so they can eat off the smaller fish.

  34. i think that there are a few things that can e done to protect the shark species. The hunting of sharks for their fins should be regulated. I am not exactly sure ow that can be accomplished. I really believe that it should be outlawed and punishable but that is not going to happen due to its economic standings.

  35. Danielle Wigen, Period 4November 23, 2010 at 8:54 PM

    In my opinion, there should be a limited amount of sharks that are killed and in certain areas only. Although just stopping the hunting of sharks would just be all around better, it's most likely not going to happen. I find it a bit ridiculous that people are going on hunting sprees just for shark fins. The sharks are suffering for our needs. The needs happen to be soup, just soup. It's absurd.

  36. to stop it we should stop people from hunting them all together. the chines really dont need shark to eat they can use whatever else they can find. its cruel what they are doing and we need to take more action and have them stoped

  37. To solve this problem is simple, stop hunting them. At the least, limit the numbers that fishermen can hunt per year or per trip. Killing sharks for soup, unnecessary. Do these people know what they're doing? If not, they should be informed, and if so then laws need to be placed on this topic.

    -Laiken per 7

  38. If sharks are being hunted so much to where they are going extinct people need to know about it. Sharks are something specail in China right? In my opinion, China should want to keep them in our ecosystem. If people take hunting sharks as a sport it's not okay. We need to limit the amout of sharks being taken out of the natural habitat just like any other animal. We have seasons for hunting deer and upland bird; maybe we should look deeply into having "tags" and a season for hunting down these predators as well. If shark soup is such a big deal to people in China then they need to be warned of the consequences for being the reason of their near extinction.

  39. Sharks just like all animals play a role in ecosystems and if they are being heavily hunted and wht not then they can go extinct or become endangered. I think that people could try to limit the amount of sharks taken but it is also hard to patrol and contain fisherman in the vast oceans.

  40. Chelsea Hanson
    Per. Graduated


  41. I think that they should put a law on how many sharks they are killing because sooner or later they are going to go extinct and then there will be none. If that were to happen like it says in the article the cownose population will increase exponentially and then it will do something bad in the enviroment. So I think that the people hunting for shark should tone it down a bit on the hunting or look for a substitute to put into their soup!

  42. They should make hunting shark illegal therefore the population will rise. The population of sharks would not over populate though because people would hunt sharks illegally anyways.

  43. seeing that a shark is a animal like a deer or rabbit. it should be hunted killed and eatin like the rest. but there should also be rules. like hunting season or tags. this would increase the population while letting people have some fun. hell ya!!!

  44. After reading this article i don't think that there should be so many of these sharks killed especially because the unpopular animals rises in population. But if they killed sharks and killed the more unpopular animals then they could maintain a steady population for all of the animals in the sea.

  45. At this point the fishing of any declining shark species seems entirely irresponsible. It seems odd to me that in light of this seemingly dated research that further actions have not been taken to help maintain the population of these sharks. We, as a nation, have made the whaling illegal, so why not make "sharking" illegal, it seems the responsible ting to do. Who needs well textured soup anyway.

  46. I think that they should limit the number of sharks that can be killed because they play a vital role in our eco system. And people shouldn't be allowed to kill whatever they want and however many sharks they want. People need to monitor everything so that we won't have a huge change in our eco system. If they kill too many sharks then we won't have a balanced environment and not everything will remain stable.

  47. i think they should limit the amount of sharks that could be killed because like every animal in the food chain, sharks are important. they provide natural selection for the rest of the fish populations an the ecosystem in which they live in, if the sharks are all wiped out then the populations of other species will explode.
