Monday, January 31, 2011

Global Warming

How much of an influence do you think humans have on global warming? Again, you need to make sure that you defend your opinion.


  1. I believe that mankind has a limited negative impact on the environment, but not to the point that most people believe. I think that the world is always changing and mankind is not the direct cause of these changes. throughout the worlds history the weather has never stayed constant.

  2. Humans obviously have an impact since global warming has never happened before, but I don't think its as big as a deal as everybody is making it out to be. Yes temperatures are slowly rising, but its not affecting earth that much. The east is having more snow they have ever had in decades. People need to quit freaking out about it so much

  3. I'm in between both of which. I think mankind is part of the reason why, we all are the ones who created everything that is polluting the earth. But at the same time the earth is changing which causes change to everything on it. It's all gonna change eventually, it wasn't going to stay the same forever!

  4. Kody Kuhlman Period. 1January 31, 2011 at 8:38 PM

    I beleive humans have some impact on global warming, because we are polluting the air and changing weather conditions, but it doesn't seem to be a big problem right know because some places are colder than they have been for a while.

  5. Kaja Kempenaars Period 7January 31, 2011 at 9:41 PM

    I think humans have a limited impact on global warming, but people are making way to big of a deal about it. A lot of it has to do with nature. The climate has changed before and I think this is just a part of nature and the climate changing again.

  6. Morgan Anderson, Per. 7January 31, 2011 at 9:48 PM

    I think humans have had a huge impact in global warming. For years we have been treating the earth like it's indestructable and we are finally seeing the consequences. How can we expect the earth to with-stand the pollution we have been putting into it for years? Yes nature is part of it as well, but as bad as it is, I believe much has to do with careless humans.

  7. I think that the environment has a big role as well as humans. The "Global Warming" deal is going on but the earth has been changing for so long and the earth as we know it has only been a percentage of it's actual exsistence. We humans have never effected the environment as much as now so there have been times when the continents were all together and I'm sure when gradually over time if that were us today we would've thought it was the end, but it's not, it's just a speed bump.

  8. There's no doubt that humans have had an impact on global warming, but I don't know that our impact on global warming changes much. People have been talking about global warming for a long time, but we are still here. I don't think that the entire world is going to turn into some exrteme desert. So I think that most people are over reacting to the whole global warming scare.

  9. When you look at global warming and the effects it has on the Earth it's clear that it gets serious every time we go out and drive our cars, and other pollutants. But there's also natural sources that pollute such as cow poo which emits methane gas into out atmosphere. The point I'm trying to make is that global warming is a problem, but there won't be enough people to take action to change it. Because you wouldn't give up your car to ride a bike to school would you? Or even buy a new car that's eco-friendly just for a good cause? To change our situation in the atmosphere would take some drastic opinion changes.

  10. Most everyone thinks humans are the reason why we have global warming. Climates will always change, no matter what us humans put out in the atmosphere. Yes, we do have a big role in global warming, but it's not like people will change. You'll always have people that wont believe and people that will believe. Earth was much different before mankind lived on it, and so in many years from now it'll still be different, without humans help of doing so. We can't be the main source of the earth changing.

  11. the effects that the mankind has in global warming is imense ,we take our planet for granted people say its no big deal that we have only rasied 1degrees in global tempature but if its we were just to raise it 3 degrees more it would impact are world in such away we wouldnt not imagine, im not say go all eco friendly ,but global warming is a problem that we should not ignore, like cancer if its there & growing , saying "o i dont have cancer" isnt going to make it go away its eventually going to kill you ,we need to adress this problem before its to late........ E.R

  12. Is it mans fault that the O-zone layer is disappearing? Well, that is one of many different theories as to why this is occurrence is happening. My personal belief as to why global warming is happening is the fact that all life on earth shoots off to much methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, not just humans. How to control this emission is another problem, we obviously cannot instantly destroy the methane or CO2. The second best way of managing the gases are to control how much the species of earth do put off into the atmosphere. The human species has contributed to the problem a great deal but with the new science being discovered each day about this topic and the problem makers will soon become the problem solvers.

  13. Laiken per. 7
    I think that humans have a big impact on global warming. I mean pollution and just the way we treat the earth in general is not good. Us not being careful is causing things to go downhill. But at the same time, I think that this would've happened eventually on it's own. I believe the human race may have sped up the problem, but it was bound to happen eventually anyways.

  14. Lorena Zamprogno per.7February 1, 2011 at 10:27 PM

    I think humans acts on Earth have a big influence on global warming.I believe that the nature is changing its way of "living", but it wouldn't be that bad if humans didn't touch it or destroy it. Our acts include pollution, too much use of mineral resources, we are using that in our benefit, and we forget that the earth suffers and changes everytime we touch it.

  15. Global warming is most definitely affected by humans. By the burning of fossil fuels, the methane produced by the overpopulation of animals, our automobiles and our power plants, we are slowly polluting our planet and global warming is simply the Earth's reaction to our niche. While the controversial argument continues, our planet pays the price for the stupidity of humanity. Global warming may have still started without the presence of humans, but regardless, we play a huge part in the degradation of our planet.

  16. I think people have an impact in global warming because of all the cars, factories, and stuff like that. But as for the ice melting and all the snow that the East is receiving is just a phase that no one can help.

  17. I believe humans have an impact on global warming, but I don't think its that big of a deal. People think the world will flood when all of the ice and snow melts but if you compare it to a cup of water with ice in it when the ice melts the water level doesn't rise but it remains the same. Sure the polar bears are effected but they should be able to adapt and evolve to their new environment.

  18. In my opinion humans have a big impact on global warming. People have polluted the earth for a long time now but I think that humans have gotten worse. I don't believe that it is as bad as people say. I don't think the world is going to end because of it. I just think that are world will be different if humans don't stop polluting. Global warming is happening but it's not that bad. If we don't stop what we are doing then it might get bad.

  19. Lauran Rose, period 7February 2, 2011 at 9:23 PM

    I believe that human activity has a role in global warming. I also believe that global warming happens naturally, but I think humans are altering the Earth's natural stages by emmitting things into the atmosphere that cause the temperature to rise. Because of fossil fuel burning and land clearing the carbon dioxide levels in the Earth's atmosphere are higher than they have been in the last 650,000 years.
    Earth may go through natural hot and cold stages. But Earth's changes are due to NATURAL causes such as; such as solar changes and volcanic aerosols. But the things that humans put into the Earth's atmoshpere are much worse.

  20. Chris McGahan, Period 4
    I personally think that humans have played a big role. We are digging up and burning fossil fuels, that are releasing green house gases into the earths atmosphere. We only have one earth and we arent taking very good care of it. Our cars are giving off carbon monoxide which is thickining the earths atmosphere. Signs and proof of this are showing more, and more rapid than ever. Huge glaciers are melting down to small pieces of ice. Polar Bears are having to learn new ways to hunt and survive in this new, and warmer planet.

  21. I think that humans play a big part of global warming because we are polluting the air everyday. But I also think that there are non human things are also polluting the air Like gas and oil. So I think we definitely play a big. Part.

  22. My opinion is that humans do play a role when it comes to pollution; how can we not, all we do is burn, waste water and consume resouces. Regardless of whether humans have an impact on the globalwarming or not, what we are doing right now isn't going to help the planet.

  23. I think humans definately play a role, and we play a larger and larger role the further advanced we get. But we dont always have a negative effect, because the more we know about our planet the more we can do to prevent something drastic from happening. So i think humans play a definite role, but not always negaitve.

  24. i believe that humans play a huge role in the theory of global warming with all of the pollution and other fuels that we expel into the atmosphere with factories and other buildings but at the same time i don't really believe that the Earth itself is warming up and will cause all these problems following a few degrees going up. people do not make the Earth just warm up but i do believe land fills and dumps that are unecessarily large are polluting the Earth.

  25. “Earth is warming, it's humanity’s fault and the consequence is certain death.” So goes the rhetoric shouted by politicians, celebrities and the media. It's hard to turn on the TV or open a newspaper these days without hearing about the horrors caused by our warming climate. Climate change is a very complex system that I am not convinced anyone totally understands.
    For those of you (and I’m sure the only person reading this will be Mr. Olsen) who have an over inflated sense of humanities impact on this planet; answer one question. What caused the Earth to enter into ice ages in the past? There where no cars or evil factories pumping out greenhouse. So who is to blame?
    That being said, human activities have “helped” changed the atmosphere. It’s common knowledge that since the Industrial Revolution, we’ve been steadily producing and releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Today, climate scientists, meteorologists and oceanographers are using high-tech tools and models to figure out just how much human activities have contributed to global warming. But why do we feel the need to take the blame for any change on this planet? Things have been changing in a cyclical pattern on this planet for a very long time and continue to do so with or without our "help". I am not advocating doing as we please and wasting resources without any thought of the future. On the contrary I believe it’s our responsibility to leave as little footprint as possible.
    -Dezmond Pardon Per.4

  26. Earth has indeed been through global warming and cooling before. Its a cycle, a very delicate cycle at that. A cycle that, like any other, could be thrown off its axis. We aren't causing global warming because it would have happened anyway, but we are causing the cycle to become more and more drastic at a truley alarming rate. We pollute more than any other species or natural force on the planet. Some would argue this point for days with the common statement of the cows releasing methane. Before that happens, let me ask; would cow populations be so rediculously high if we hadn't breeded them to be? I would have to say no. We are largly to blame for the hell we'll enter in the future. Its depressing to think that no matter how many people feel strongly about this, more still don't care or don't believe its a problem. Earth is changing, but we aren't. We're maing our bed now, and generations later, our families will still be laying in our mistakes. We can fix this, but will we?

  27. I personally think that humans are partially to blame for global warming, while we aren't the only cause we are a big part of it, but we are only accelerating the rate, If you look at history, there have always been fluctuations in the global temperatures as a whole and no matter how much we try and prevent it it is bound to happen

  28. I personally think that humans are a part of global warming but not the complete cause of it. We are definitely polluting the earth in many different ways but its not all our fault. Science has proven that things similar to global warming have happened before humas were here so obviously its not just us.
    Kelsey Alexander...period 7

  29. I think humans have played a big impact on the problem we have today. I dont think its just humans, i think its partly nature. I think that global warming will not make us extinct, but we will have to probably live a different way of life, if we dont change our ways of living.

  30. I think modern humans are making an impact but I don't think we're the first to screw it up. I personally believe that we're just putting more water into an already full cup. I think our ancestors and their "gods"/ET's are the ones who started to screw it up. We've had 300 or so years that we've been doing harm to our environment while they've had an unknown amount of time since really we haven't really been able to really pinpoint the birth/creation of homo sapian sapian. With all this I do believe that some sort of creature is to blame for global warming and we are messing it up more.

  31. I have no doubt that we have had an impact on our planet and on it's changing climate. Look at us! We populate the entirety of the globe, we burn untold amounts of fuel, how could we not be? There will always be the argument that we overestimate ourselves, and perhaps that is so, but I don't find it likely. We hunt animals to extinction. What makes a planet so much different?

    Even if we are simply speeding up a natural cycle, which is more than plausible, should we really let out a sigh of relief and forget about it? To me, that is not morally acceptable. We have a responsibility to take care of our planet and all that inhabits its surface precisely because we have such an impact upon it. Previous generations didn't know what we do (at least to a certain extent), but now that we know, we cannot in good conscience ignore it.

  32. I think us as humasns are making to big of a fuss over this global warming issue that everyone seems to be freeking out about because us as humans arnt really doing much to help prevent it from comming. all we seem to be doing is complaining about it and we are kind of one of the causes of it too because we are still burning that isnt helping at all and we arnt doing much about the green houses,and we all are just continuing to put pollution in the air so we as humans need to stop complaining about whats happening and start helping and preventing global warming instead of doing stuff thats not helping!!!

  33. Personally, I think us as humans do have a impact, but I also think that nature is the other half of the cause. this is my opinion because nature does have warning and cooling cycles over time. I think even with our help the world is just going through a warning phase, but we are just going to have to live with our actions and the nature of our planet.
    Collin Bocchi

  34. -Lauren McGovern per. 4th
    i think that humans have a huge impact on Global Warming. We
    pollute the air with all our cars and the industries that we use to make all the rhings we use. From the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep, we are putting tons of pollution into the air. And we aren't really doing anything to prevent it.

  35. Inevitably, people have polluted the earth since their arrival, they have released toxins in to the atmosphere, and in to the bodies of water. But it's impossible to predict how the modern world would be without people. therefore, we can't really know how much the human race has contributed to the earth's evolution as a planet.

    Kylan Berger, 4th period.

  36. Kayvon peroid 1
    i think that mankind has a extremely small effect on global warming. the temperature has always gone through cycles and this is no diffent, we may have sped it up a little but nature will even itself out. as for pollution and green house gases, did you know cows put out more greennhouse gases than cars so like i said it will all work out.

  37. I think us humans have a big effect on global warming because we use all these different gases. We have tons and tons of trash that we just throw around. we pollute the air and we think throwing things into the ocean is okay. We kill off animals and plants that other things need to survive. We don't think its all our faults but if it wasn't for us we wouldn't have a problem with the ozone layer decaying and soon being gone.

  38. Justin Creed, 1st PeriodFebruary 8, 2011 at 5:19 PM

    I don't think that humans have nearly the effect on global warming that people say we do. Don't get me wrong, I think we should be good stewards of our ecosystem; but I believe that the climate has natural cycles that it goes through. Right now we may just be going through a warmer cycle, but the earth will regulate itself. Im not totally disregarding the global warming theory but along with recycling, and doing the small things to decrease our emissions, I think we will all be fine.

  39. I believe that humans have a major impact on global warming. We're the ones that do things to affect the planet and change our eco system. We're changing the overall climate of the Earth because of the pollutions and choices that we make. We have been polluting the Earth since the human population has been here. Our actions greatly affect the outcome of the future of not only our planet but also of future generations as well. We need to change our habits and the choices that we make before we permanently damage our planet.

  40. I think that global warming is something that has been happening for centuries regardless if we were here or not. I do agree though that humans play a role in it because of industrialization polluting the earth. I think that because of this people have become more aware that our pollution is just making it happen faster than ever before.

    Vanessa Holguin Pd. 1

  41. I think that humas play a big role and are the main cause of global warming because of our pollution with factories and fossil fuels. I think there is no way to stop it but we could help out and make the place we live in better by taking the issue more seriouslsy.

    DJ Calarruda Pd.1

  42. austin crawford (per.4)February 9, 2011 at 10:23 AM

    living on the earth we do play a role as humans to global warming, the school of the blind could see the world is changing, and the fact that we are part of the reason the earth is changing for the worse doesnt excite me, we pollute the air we destroy forrests we use up the earths resources, everyday we are destroying the planet we live on and soon enough the consequences will present themselves, all ready glaciers are melting into the ocean which eventually will create a flood. The earths temperature has raised .5 degrees since humanity, and at 3 or 4 degrees we could see catastrophic events, where natural disastor will be a normal thing, we as humans need to do better at protecting our planet if it isnt all ready to late.

  43. I believe humans do have an impact on global warming. We burn all sorts of fuels and put all sorts of bad stuff in the atmosphere so i do think that we do have an impact but there is plenty of other factors that can cause it to. i actually think humans is the main reason for global warming.

  44. Brooke Reifel Period 4February 9, 2011 at 3:25 PM

    Honestly, I don't believe in global warming, I believe that the earth is going through cycles like it has been since it began. The cycles are getting more durastic though and I believe it is due partly to humans and the excess waste we create. The more stuff we throw away the more the earth has to break down, but it can't handle the amount that we are getting rid of now and it is becoming a problem. I don't think that we can fix it, but we can make it better by cutting down our use of fossil fuels and non-renewable resources.

  45. i think that humans have some impact on global warming, because we are poluting the air and we are making the ice glaciers melt faster and faster by not recycling and littering...

  46. I think that global warming is definately something that is un-avoidable, as the the earth has seen various cycles and ice ages.I do believe that humans may be contributing to the speed of which the process is taking place but are not completely responsible for it. Yes recycleing and finding better power soursces may slow the process but it will happen eventually. The earth has survived many cultures and era of people, as it will survive us.

  47. Humans definitely have an impact on global warming. We are poluting the earth. All of our cars and factories are not doing anything to help prevent global warming from happening. WE are not doing anything to help prevent it. All the talk about it happening isn't persuading anyone to help play their part. Maybe if more people would realize that we are a causing factor of global warming, then maybe more people would do something about it.

  48. I don't really believe in global warming. i think if it is happening that humans don't play a very big part in it. We might when it comes to burning coal but other than that i dont think we do too much to contribute to global warming. There are natural occurances that are way worse than anything we do such as a volcano errupting. That puts so many harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. I think the earth is just going through a warming phase just like it goes through cooling phases like an ice age

  49. I don't really believe in global warming. I think if anything, the Earth is just going through a climate change, a cycle. I think that if Global Warming really is happening, humans play as big of a part in it as animals and plants. Everything that goes on creates some sort of pollution that could be causing the greenhouse effect. I think that if Global Warming were to happen, it would have already shown some serious signs before now, I think that the only reason it seems like such a big deal now is because people are talking it up and making whatever the Earth has going on with its weather seem like a much bigger deal than it really is.

  50. humans have a large impacted on the earth because we have many things that require fuels that release greenhouse gases that is destroying the atmosphere.

  51. I think that animals sometimes do leave the one they are with to find another person to mate with. The thing is, humans are very different, we have a thing called love and they taught us that when you love you should never leave the one you are with, because you should only love one person and give your all to that person. Then sometimes we do act like wild animals, leaving the ones we are with to be with someone else. I don't really know what to say about cheating. I know that it is looked down on, and it's not the right thing in the human world so we fight the temptation to do it.

    Natalia Qubti
