Monday, March 19, 2012

In looking at how and what we feed ourselves and our children, will Food Inc. influence your future diet? Why or why not?


  1. No because I knew most of that before watching
    the movie and I think everything is okay in moderation. I knew that a lot of things were made from corn because of the book omnivores dilemma but I do plan on watching what I eat more.

  2. It will influence my life a little. Now that I know the risks of some goods I will know what to and what not to buy. I want to eat healthier foods. I also want my children to be healthy. I will try to avoid fast food. It is good to be educated in the food you eat.
    By aubreanna stoliker perms

  3. After watching food inc I will pay more attention to food labels and what is in my food. I will try to eat healthier foods as well but I already knew that the process of meat was cruel and there risks of diseases in my food. I just need to be careful on what I eat.
    Ana salinas per 3

  4. In a way the food inc influenced me because i didn't know how they killed the animals for their companies meat. And after seeing that, it made me realize i feel bad for the animals such as cutting the heads off of the chickens and squishing the pigs to death is just horrible. But other then killing the animals i already knew fast food is bad for you. Everyone knows that, its just peoples choice to eat it or not. If you get sick from eating that processed food then its your fault.
    -Hayley Pandozzi period 3

  5. Food inc. Did influence my future diet. I won't really eat from fast food restaurants and I really watch what I eat now. I don't really want to get a nasty food disease or something like that so I'll Just not eat that nasty food.
    Samuel Alvarado P.2

  6. The movie only bothered me because of how the animals were treated and other then that not really. It doesn't bother me because I want a farm of my own. -Jasmine Zangari

  7. I only worry about how animals are slautered and still mix alot of vegies in my diet,Food Incinc wanted me to change my diet, but food takes time to cook and even money.

    Rie Kumar P.3

  8. It kind of bothers me knowing where it is from, but at the same time it doesn't because I knew that they killed animals to make the food. The only thing that bothered me was what they did to kill the animals.
    Kayla Archer Period 2

  9. I dont think that watching Food Inc. will make me change the way i eat. I knew that meat dose not just come from one cow. And how food was made of.But one thing I would change is they way they treated the animals and what they did to the animals when they were still alive.
    Rebecca Morad p.2

  10. Honestly, most likely not. While watching it, sure, I was kinda' grossed out but while I'm eating, I'm not going to be thinking about where it came from. I'm just going to be eating it.

    -Jacob Sawyer, Period 2

  11. After watching Food Inc. I won't change my eating habits at all most likely. I know what foods are bad and what foods are better for me, but I honestly don't care about where it comes from.
    -Jed Hendrickson

  12. Emily Chamberland Period 1March 20, 2012 at 7:17 PM

    Food Inc. influenced the food I eat to some extent. Ive always known what is in a McDonalds hamburger, but I always tried to ignore it. I haven't eaten any fast food since we watched that movie, and barely any meat in general. I find it disgusting how many pesticides and additives are put into the foods, but I think being grossed out by it is only a phase and I will probably get over it.

  13. Watching Food Inc. will have no change on what I eat. Sure some of what happens before you get the finished product is messed up, but let's be honest, nobody is going to think about the fat cows being fed corn instead of grass and being pushed around by fork lifts as they slap a hunk of his beef on the grill. Same goes for chickens. I'm going to think about how the chickens are being slaughtered on conveyor belts. I'm going to be thinking about how it needs more BBQ sauce and that I hate when the skin gets burnt on the grill.
    -Eric (I'm hungry now) Montgomery

  14. Yeah because its absolutely disgusting what we eat and how it gets to us and what it goes thru. People think that one person doesnt make a difference but i think in time we can change the way our food is made and the torture will be eliminated, less unnatural mutations, etc.

  15. I think that looking at what we feed our children and ourselves, watching food inc changes the way I want to eat for a little bit, but it won't change the way I eat for the rest of my life. I don't think that little productions like Food Inc. can make a difference on the way people eat for the future. People are getting more in the poverty level and they eat what is cheapest. Or at least what they "think" is cheapest.

  16. Not at all, i like food, and i really wont be thinking about a movie i saw in class ill be thinkin of im hungry and its cheap - elijah halverson

  17. Absolutely. Food Inc has shownn me the realistic side of how we have the food that we have today. It has made me realize how much resourse we are actually using. I don't think my diet will change competely because the food indusry is beyond powerful. I will try to change my diet in a better way but i highly doubt it will change much because we are all so depended on such food.

  18. I have always been extmely aware about what I eat and the quality of the food I put in to my body. It's actually really important to me to strive to eat organic and as much whole foods as possible, i hope to feed my kids like that someday too. Food Inc. supported my reasons for eating the way i do.

  19. Watching Food Inc. has reminded me of the corruption in the food industry. It has definitely changed the way I look at food as I walk down the aisles, and has influenced what I put in the shopping cart. I no longer eat meat after seeing how poorly the animals are treated, and all the processing the meat goes through. I don't expect other people to respond this way, but my personal choice has been to make a healthy change in my diet.
    -Casey Berger

  20. Food Inc. has definitely made me change my diet. I am not eating meat as much as I usually do. I read labels and I am starting to buy organic fruit . The movie was a real eye opener and I plan to eat healthier.
    -Melissa Vazquez Per. 3

  21. Food Inc. definitely influenced the way I eat. I haven't eaten at fast food restaurants since we watched the movie and barely any meat. I had a lot of fish and tried to look for organic foods at the supermarket, even though my hostfamily buys organic food anyways and pays attention to what they eat. I don't know if it's just a phase but I am completely grossed out by chicken nuggets and such right now. I will carry on eating mostly organic foods now, just like I did before the movie.

  22. I already eat little to no meat, and have been planning on cutting meat out of my diet completely for some time. This movie reminded me why I made that decision. Unfortunately at this point I can't go organic or completely meat free because my family can't afford it. I think that this is one of the largest problems with the food industry, things that are good for you are more expensive than those that are not, so some people have to choose the cheaper unhealthy food. I knew that there were problems with the meat industry but I didn't realize the vastness of the problems in other parts of the food industry. The movie reminded me just how careful one has to be when putting food into their body, and that it is not only limited to meat.

  23. Karissa Lawler Per. 1March 22, 2012 at 6:48 AM

    The move Food Inc. has not as much influenced my eating habits as much as made me more aware of the situation to the mass production of the food I eat. I do believe the government should change the order of the "farms" of where Americas' livestock is produced to a more natural environment and definetly the farmers should be treated with more respect, given that currently they're mearly regarded as shepards on a government owned farm. If the farmers had control of their own farms, the prices most likely will go up but I'm willing to pay a heaftier price for healthier, better tasting pork, poultry, beef etc.

  24. I don't think that the movie we watched, Food Inc., will have that much of an impact on what I eat. However, it will make me think more about what I'm eating and where it might have come from, especially fast food and meats.
    Josh Holland, p3

  25. yes and no, most of what was in food inc i knew about, but watching that and my documentary killer at large I really saw how much people depend on it and its not good for you. I won't be eating at those places as often as I was and in the future my kids won't either.
    Fabian Pena, per. 3

  26. Chris Nordin Period 1March 22, 2012 at 9:09 PM

    Personally i knew a lot about the things that happen with our food before we even buy it, so i dont really think it will change my diet. The movie Food Inc. should be a wake up call for people to do something about how our food is handled, i think the techniques used now are not very sanitary and it should be fixed.

  27. Sadie Swisher, Period 2March 23, 2012 at 9:00 AM

    Before watching Food Inc, I already had somewhat of an understanding of what went on "behind the scenes" where our food was being made. Food Inc will not really alter how I feel about processed foods, because I was already disgusted by them in the first place. Plus, I feel like Food Inc had a prominent motive, so I recognize that, which is why it wont exactly change anything. However, my kids will not be fed McDonalds or anything like that, because it is disgusting.

  28. Considering I did not see the video, it will not influence the way I eat, but I am aware of some of the things that go on behind the scenes and it definitely affects what I choose to eat. The way animals are treated is not right and something needs to change.
    Kelsey, period 2

  29. No, I don't think so because I already eat healthy at home and if Im traveling junk food makes me happy and I don't think I would think about how terrible things are because I would just eat it but the movie did gross me out and curiosity about things that I eat became more prominent
    P.3 Elizabeth

  30. no. i will still eat the exact same way i do. i love fast food. i find nothing gross about it. maybe if they were killing the animals in front of me that might make me want to be a vegitarian. but the day i become fat will be the day when i start eating good foods.

    -Skyler Hunt :D Per 3

  31. Yes this will influence they way I eat.This made me relise how they make the food behind our backs and make us think this is safe for us to eat when it really isnt.

    alondra pena

  32. Food Inc. will not change how I eat, thee things I eat are to delicious to give up.
    -Austin Thompson

  33. I think that Food Inc. was very interesting and it may influence something’s I eat, I try to eat organic when I can and I am trying to just be more aware of what I eat and where it comes from. Just recently my family has bought chickens and I have been eating fresh eggs which I think is a great start to changing the way I eat, and being aware of where I get food. -Sage Daley Per. 3

  34. I think that watching Food Inc. will influence my diet because even now I can't look at a piece of meat the same way. Now i have this thought process of what might have happened to the animal before it was killed and packaged nicely. It made me see that you never know what could have been happening to the animal you are eating before you bought it at the store,making me want to eat mainly organic farm grown things

  35. to an extent i do believe it will effect our diets in the future. on the other hand i believe we can look at the wrong food choices we make now in our everyday lives and then improve it in our future diets or even now if we wish too. this is what we can do or will do in our fture or now in our daily life diets.

  36. Watching the video had no influence on my diet. It did make me sad to see the way they pushed around cows, but I still love eating fast food. At some point in my life I'll realize I'm not a spring chicken and my body won't maintain my shape, so I'll have to do that in the future. As for now though, I'm happy with eating fast food, regardless if the cow that became my food was fed with corn instead of grass.
    Lindsey Reed

  37. I really don't think that Food Inc. will have an effect on my eating habits simply because of the ironic fact that I was munching on a McDonalds Breakfast sandwich during the movie.

    ~Charles Criss per 2

  38. Food inc. made me want to eat less fast food and "name brand" meet items! I'd rather by local meat because I know the animals were raised in a humane way. I don't want to support an industry I don't believe in.

  39. No because I still eat McDonalds because I like the food

  40. It didn't change my eating habits because I like the food. It made me sad watching how they treated the animals though.
    Sarah Pardon

  41. It will influence my life very little. I mean i knew most of what we watched already but it was a good reminder to watch more carefully what i eat. -Danielle Carlson

  42. It will not influence my diet at all. I don't eat meat from corporations like McDonalds. I rarely eat meat anyway. So seeing this video won't change much at all.
    Nicolai Luce

  43. Food inc. made me want to eat less fast food and watch the things i do eat, i know i dont really have a say in what goes on or how animals are raised but i do watch how i eat. I have been and will continue cutting back on a lot of the meats.

    Nicole Period 1

  44. watching food inc didn't really make me want to change what I eat. It did make me think twice about it, but having that food around you at such a cheep price is easy to get to. Buying a salad at Burger King is 6 dollars and with an ice tea it would come out to 7.50. Buying a burger is a dollar and a dollar for soda. It is bad for you in the long run, you just have to monitor as much as you eat. You shouldn't be eating McDonalds every day. Parents shouldn't be feeding their kid McDonalds as dinner twice a week. Maybe people who take advantage of fast food should think twice about it.

    -Natalia Q

  45. Watching food inc. made me just I don't really know. Grossed out is a good way to put it. I do plan on eating the better quality stuff, and my children (when I have them) will eat better too.
    -Sammantha Bradley

  46. It does not really influenve me because I knew most of what was said already. Even though I know how unhealthy food are I know that my diet won't change. It will most likly stay the exact same. I'm just being honest.
    Amy Desbrow P. 3

  47. I think that a lot of Food Inc. was about meat and considering i'm already a vegetarian I don't really plan on changing that. As far as organic ys. inorganic and things like that I think that it's common knoledge what's better for you and watching this movie did not give me much information that I didn't already know.
    Casey Endacott p.2
