Thursday, November 17, 2011

It is estimated that 30 - 100 million sharks are definned per year for the making of soup. This is a fairly controversial practice. Is this okay or is there something wrong with what they are doing? Whats your opinion?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Extra Credit Post

As you know new species are discovered all of the time. In looking at the importance on new species and what they may have to offer it is very important that we continue to look for new animals as well as plants. For this extra credit post I would like you to research and find a newly discovered animal that you think looks interesting and tell me about it (where its found, what it is (include name) and what they know about it. Use real animals please, as cool as the jackalope is, its not real.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Some people say that it is in the nature of all animals (including man kind) to stray from their relationships when they feel their needs are no longer being met. They say it is a part of natural selection. For this post answer these two questions: Do animals in nature leave mates to look for others in the situation? and Are humans different from other animals when it comes to this behavior?

Monday, September 19, 2011

As we look at predator prey relationships we can see coevolution happening. Last week when we played Hide and Seek and or Sharks vs. Minnows there were many strategies that were used to avoid being caught. You need to write 2 paragraphs. In the first talk about your strategies you used playing the game (or if you were not there how you would have played). In the second paragraph talk about how coevolution takes place.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Extra Credit Post

Watch the following ted talk about the scientific reasoning behind choosing good vs evil and give your opinion.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Looking at the three types of forest cutting which do you think is the most efficient for not only the forest but for mankind as well?
Strip Cutting
Selective Cutting
Shelterwood Cutting

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What are your thoughts?

Watch this video and right down what you think. You will need to copy and paste the url to watch the video.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Eat or not to Eat; That is the Question

As pertaining to the video Food Inc. has your view of the foods you eat changed? How so or why not?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Global Warming

How much of an influence do you think humans have on global warming? Again, you need to make sure that you defend your opinion.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Morality or Science

As we look at how science works and the advances we have made there have been a lot of lines that had to be crossed. Dissections are controversal for some and not for others. The plastification process where they take living organisms and make them into plastic models is one of the newer lines that have been crossed. Many people do not like this process and think it immoral. Look at the plastification process and give your opinion on if you think it is okay to do this. Explain your opinion for the full amount of extra credt.